"Mental Economy Training® (MET) is a high-tech mental training pathway, aimed at improving brain efficiency through objective methods based on numerical quantifications. It enables elevated standards of performance with low consumption of brain energy, and better management of stress, emotions and psychological pressure."

"Mental Economy Training® (MET) is a high-tech mental training pathway, aimed at improving brain efficiency through objective methods based on numerical quantifications. It enables elevated standards of performance with low consumption of brain energy, and better management of stress, emotions and psychological pressure."

Corpore sano in mens sana

Corpore sano in mens sana

Mental Economy is an innovative startup that draws its inspiration from Dr. Riccardo Ceccarelli’s three decades of experience working with professional drivers from Formula 1 and MotoGP and, subsequently, with élite level athletes from football, tennis, skiing, sailing and other sports.

From the data obtained on track, Dr. Ceccarelli transferred his research to universities, to conduct functional magnetic resonance imaging investigations into the cerebral characteristics that make winning drivers unique.

Research has shown that winning drivers differ from the average because they are able to avoid unnecessary wastage of nervous energy, as evidenced by their ability to achieve elevated mental performance while activating only the brain areas that are strictly necessary.

The scientific publications derived from the functional magnetic resonance studies were presented at four editions of the prestigious Human Brain Mapping congress, attracting great interest from the international scientific community. In subsequent years, similar research showed that mental economy, scientifically referred to as Neural Efficiency, is a characteristic shared by successful people, not only in sports, but also in work activities.

From the results that emerged, Mental Economy® was inspired to develop specific tests that embrace all the main mental skills, and algorithms capable of integrating test performance with mental energy expenditure in order to objectively evaluate brain efficiency. It is a method that represents an absolute novelty in the mental training panorama, and therefore differentiates Mental Economy from all its competitors.

The hardware, software and analysis algorithms developed by Mental Economy combine in a mental training system that is globally innovative, because it is the only system capable of improving Neural Efficiency, by intervening in synergy and with objective feedback on three complementary components: Neural Plasticity, Optimization Techniques, and improvement of Self-awareness.

Mental Economy Training® is able to evaluate and improve the main aspects of the mental sphere including:

  • Self-awareness

  • Mental flexibility and adaptability

  • Self-confidence

  • Decision making ability

  • Multitasking skills

  • Resistance to stress

  • Interpersonal relationships

  • Teamwork